1st Barrhead Boys’ Brigade is a very active and growing company, with young people across four sections (Anchor Boys, Junior Section, Company Section and Senior Section) supported by a core group of volunteer leaders. All sections meet weekly on a Thursday evening.
Young people have access to a full awards programme including Duke of Edinburgh and residential activities. We are recognised within our Church and wider community for our annual fundraising initiatives, working with schools and local organisations. During 2020 our young people will be aiming to achieve 4 Queen’s Badges, 5 President’s Badges and 7 Duke of Edinburgh awards.
Our 2021 session has recently kicked off and we are delighted to be back with face to face activites. This session we are planning a number of visitors and visits as part of our program and we are planning to run an outdoor program in April/May 2022 following the success of this previously.
Latest News
The Boys Brigade session 2020/21 has started off with a bang. We have 19 registered Anchor Boy members, 28 registered Junior Section members and 15 registered Company Section members for session 2021/22. We have already had a Yoga Night and a visit from the Guide Dogs organisation whom we raised funds for pre-Covid. We also had our own dedication service on 3rd October 2021 and were helped serve soup and rolls at the first Connections lunch. It promises to be a busy Autumn with many exciting activities on the horizon.
We are recruiting
We need your help!!
Our recruitment drive kicked off in July, as we prepared to return to face to face activites in August 2021. We are delighed over 20 new people have come along to Boys Brigade since then. Our recruitment continues and we would be delighted to here from anyone who may be considering joining the Boys Brigde.
Please share our social media posts and spread the word to any potential BB recruits and ask them to get in touch with us through the usual channels.
1stbarrheadboysbrigade@gmail.com or
Facebook: 1st Barrhead Boys Brigade
Working in the Community
We are reconised for working in the Community and being active contributors to a number of community activiites. In our sesssion 2021/22 we will be working with Hillview Primary we will also be supporting Guides Dogs for the Blind.
Some recent examples are:
All about Barrhead Awards Evening
Barrhead Rainbow Run
Fundrasing for Gudie Dog for the Blind, Street Pastors, Local Church, Scottish Autism, CHAS, Chris Boys Mental Health Charity
Local Primary Schools Buddy Benches (Hillview, Carlbar and St Marks Primary)
Coffee Morning and Senior Members Dinners
Over the past 10 years we have raised over £15,000 for good causes.
Our Session
Our Session typically runs for around 32 weeks of the year on a Thursday evening. There is lots of apportunities to participate in related events outside a Thursday. We offer a number of residential activities and activity evenings where we set off for venues further afield. Trips and residentials are definatly the highlight of our program.
We typically round off our acheivements with an Awards and Parents Evening. In the Boys Brigade we like to refer to this as a display.
Our Anchors are for young people in Primary 1 to 3. We are distringuished by our red sweatshirts. Our typical activities include Games, Crafts and simple life skills teaching. We also take the opportuinty to share the Christain Faith with young people and invovle them in the life of the Church.
Our Juniors are for young people in Primary 4 to 6. We are distringuished by our blue sweatshirts. Our typical activities include Games, Physical Recreation, Badge and Awards work and we are never shy of a quiz or challenge each week. We share the Christain Faith with young people, invovle them in the life of the Church and make use of digital technologies to make this live and exciting
Our Company Section is for Primary 7 to S3. We are distringuished by our smart Blue Shirt and Tie uniform. Our typical activities include Physical Recreation, Focused Badge and Awards work leading to a wider range fo life skills and greater personal and community awarness. We are never short of opportunites to get involved in external events where this be Church or Community based events. We also maximse the opportunity to get outside the Church building. Christain Faith remains a core element of our program. We reguarly invite guests along and seek external contributions to our weekly prrogram making this a very varied experience.
Some examples include:
Camera Club, Heart Start, Money Wise, Gidieons, Street Pastors, First Aid training, Observatory Visits, Karting, Curling and Virtual Video Games evening
Our Seniors group are S4 to S6. We form part of our Company Section each week, but branch off to our senior awards program focusing on requirments for Presidents, Queens and Duke of Edinburgh awards. This involves us supporting both Anchors and Junior meetings and growing specific skills, physical and interests for each individual.
We make good use of digital technologies to complete these awards programs and have access to a wide range of support both human and physical. Much of this work sees us engage in the local commmunity through events and activities.
We supplement our weekly meeting with a monthly social gathering on a Sunday evening, where we go out for dinner, go to the cinema, 10 pin bowling or other similar related activity for a time of fun and sharing.