Next Service... Sun 15th Sep, 9:30am

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Our Minister

Hello and welcome to the website of Barrhead St Andrew's Parish Church of Scotland. My name’s Tim and I’m the minister here at St Andrew's since September 2020. Although I’m the minister and the one who gets to stand up the front every week, I’m really just one cog in a large and very efficient machine! Or as the Bible puts it (1 Corinthians 12:12-31), one small part of the body that is the local church with Jesus himself at the head of it all. At its very best, every church functions in this way, with each member just as important as anyone else and all with a unique role to play. We want this to be a church where everyone feels valued and encouraged to develop their own gifts.

As the minister, I chair the Kirk Session and head up the leadership team of the church. I’m responsible for organising our weekly public worship services, conducting local funerals and weddings and a wide range of other bits and pieces. It’s a pretty varied job description! The title Reverend can pull up a few images in peoples’ heads, but I aim to be as approachable and as informal as possible in my role. If you’re wanting to find out more about Barrhead St Andrews or ask anything about the Christian faith, please do feel free to get in touch with me using the contacts section.

I’m married to Fiona who works as a midwife and we have 2 children – Lucy and Emily. My accent has caused controversy in many churches over the years, but I’m originally from Yorkshire. Up until 4 years ago I was working for a charity in Dundee called the Dundee Carers Centre and I have a long background of working for the voluntary sector. In September 2016 I entered into training for the ministry, and that brought me eventually to this time and this place here in Barrhead. I’m absolutely thrilled to be the minister of St Andrews, and we’re loving exploring the new area – although we’re finding that it rains just a wee bit more on the west coast than the east!

Away from church, I love to get out walking in the mountains and am ploughing my way through all the Munros (mountains in Scotland over 3000 feet high). At the time of writing I’m just over a quarter of the way to conquering all 282 of them. I also love playing volleyball, singing and getting out with my family and my wee Jackapoo dog Cory – he’s now completed 7 Munros by the way. 

Main contact

Contact: Tim Mineard - .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

© 2024 Barrhead St. Andrew's Parish Church of Scotland. A charity registered in Scotland, no. SC015730
Website by Sanctus Media Ltd