Bible Focus2 days ago
Last Sunday we considered the outbreak of persecution against the early church. This week, we see how this was also mirrored by some signs of conflict even within the body… more
Last Sunday we considered the outbreak of persecution against the early church. This week, we see how this was also mirrored by some signs of conflict even within the body… more
Praise Gathering will be returning to the Royal Concert Hall on 14th and 15th June with 2 fantastic concerts of uplifting praise and worship. There will also be a third concert… more
The annual Boys Brigade coffee morning is taking place on Saturday 8 March from 10am. Please come along and support our fundraising efforts. Tickets will be available shortly priced £3. We… more
We continue to look ahead to the future of the churches here in Barrhead and Neilston. Maureen has been chairing the Way Ahead group, with representation from all 3 local… more
This Lent, we will be following the book The Unvarnished Jesus by Brian Zahnd. This is a great book taking us from Ash Wednesday through to Holy Saturday, with daily… more
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