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Step out in faith

The other day I read that there are 3 possible ways to spell FAITH:

  • For All I Trust Him
  • Forsaking All I Take Him
  • RISK

Well today we took a bit of a risk, heading out onto the streets of Barrhead to offer simply to pray for the people that we met. It was part of our involvement with the global Thy Kingdom Come prayer initiative. I have to admit that I felt pretty nervous as we set up outside ASDA, and wondered what kind of reception we might receive.

But as so often happens when we step out in faith, I was really encouraged by the response that we got from people. We had the chance to pray with various folk from different backgrounds, and to bless them in a small way as they were going about their daily business. People seemed genuinely touched by the offer, and it was a real privilege to pray for them.

It’s a reminder to me that faith is all about taking a risk and stepping out from our comfort zones. It’s all too easy to get cosy and comfortable in our church buildings. We pride ourselves on welcoming the people who come into our churches, but God also calls us to get out into the world and to meet people where they are. We can slowly slip into a rut in our Christian faith, and the best way I have found to get out of that is to take a risk and step out in faith for God. I’m a big believer that God blesses us when we do that, and increases our faith for the next time.

So my challenge to you is to do something to step out of your spiritual comfort zone today. Take the risk to reach out to someone else, to offer to pray for them. Do something that will stretch your muscles of faith. And maybe even join us next time we head out onto the streets to pray.

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